ICED Loan Expo
Inclusive Economic Development
ICED Loan Expo
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
June 27th
Renasant Convention Center
255 N. Main Street | Memphis, TN 38103
No Admission Fee for the General Public

How the ICED Loan program helps small business owners start and improve their businesses.

Meet ICED Loan participants and learn how the program spurred their success.

Hear how these business owners are improving their neighborhoods.

Explore how ICED Loans can revitalize your community.

ICED loan funds are primarily for building façade improvements and streetscape improvements.

Interior improvements and building expansions may also be eligible.

Funding for the ICED loan program is generated through special City of Memphis and Shelby County Payment-In-Lieu-of- Tax (PILOT) personal property fees.

Projects are approved by the EDGE Economic Development Finance Committee
Inner City Economic Development (ICED) Loans
The Inner City Economic Development (ICED) Loan program is designed to spark revitalization of Memphis inner city neighborhood business districts through small forgivable loans (up to $25,000).
Since 2014, the ICED Loan program has assisted projects that have invested nearly…
in Memphis's Inner City Neighborhoods


ICED loan funds are primarily for building façade improvements and streetscape improvements.

Interior improvements and building expansions may also be eligible.

Funding for the ICED loan program is generated through special City of Memphis and Shelby County Payment-In-Lieu-of- Tax (PILOT) personal property fees.

Projects are approved by the EDGE Economic Development Finance Committee
Inner City Economic Development (ICED) Loan Expo
The Inner City Economic Development (ICED) Loan program is designed to spark revitalization of Memphis inner city neighborhood business districts through small forgivable loans (up to $25,000).
Since 2014, the ICED Loan program has assisted projects that have invested nearly…
in Memphis's Inner City Neighborhoods

View ICED Loan Featured Project
ICED Loan Program Eligibility
Businesses and property owners that meet the following criteria may be eligible to apply for an ICED loan:
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- The building must be located in a New Markets Tax Credit eligible census tract.
- City of Memphis and Shelby County property taxes must be current or an approved payment plan must be in place.
- The applicant must have sufficient capital to fund one-third of approved construction costs and complete the entire project without impacting the business negatively.
- Both building owners and tenants with a three-year lease are eligible.
- Priority will be given to neighborhood serving businesses with transparent storefront windows facing the street.
Project Assistance
Applicants are required to meet with EDGE staff to facilitate the loan process and construction projects.
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- An architect retained by EDGE is available to assist the applicant with elevations and budget estimates for presentation to the EDGE Finance Committee as part of the application review process.
- The applicant will meet with the EDGE staff to review building and desired improvements.
Ineligible Businesses
The following business categories as defined in the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code, are not eligible for forgivable loans under the ICED loan program:
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- Liquor and tobacco stores
- Adult entertainment and product stores
- Pawnshops, payday loan/title loan establishments
- Mini-storage facilities
- Auto dealerships
More Info & Application
Ineligible Businesses
The following business categories as defined in the Memphis and Shelby County Unified Development Code, are not eligible for forgivable loans under the ICED loan program:
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- Liquor and tobacco stores
- Adult entertainment and product stores
- Pawnshops, payday loan/title loan establishments
- Mini-storage facilities
- Auto dealerships