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3:00 pm
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Memphis Bioworks Foundation
Breakout Room
#220 S. Dudley Street | Memphis, TN 38103

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call
  2. Public Comments
  3. Chairman’s Opening Comments
  4. Approval of June 20, 2018 Greater Memphis Alliance for a Competitive Workforce, Depot Redevelopment Corp, and EDGE Board Meeting Minutes
  5. JNJ Logistics Expansion PILOT Request
  6. Poplar Corridor Business District TIF
  7. Sewer Capacity Management Incentive
  8. Greater Memphis Medical Device Council Presentation
  9. International Port of Memphis Update
  10. Other Business
  11. Economic Development Finance Committee Report
  12. Marketing and Communications Report
  13. Financial Report
  14. General Counsel’s Report
  15. President’s Report
  16. Other/Remarks for the Good of the Order
  17. Adjourn