Friday, September 14, 2018
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. CST
WHO: Beneficial Cargo Owners, Shippers, 3rd Party Logistics Firms, Agricultural Community, and Industry Leaders
WHAT: Join us on September 14, 2018 to learn more about the future of container on vessel service and the substantial economic impact it can have in the Mid-South region.
Featured Speaker:
Sal Litrico, of American Patriot Holdings LLC (APH)
APH is proposing to bring ocean-going container ships to the Port of Plaquemines, where they will load and offload containers from/to vessels designed specifically to move containers on the inland waterway system, with Memphis and St. Louis the upriver shipment points. Officials will review trade patterns, turnaround times, and system capacity, as well as demonstrate the competitive landed cost advantage for the all-marine route versus the use of gateway ports on the East and West Coasts.
This project has the potential to bring cargo from Europe and Asia directly to the Mid-South, and provides a unique opportunity for the region to improve its global competitiveness through inland trade routes along the Mississippi River.
WHERE: AgriCenter International
Warm Up Arena/Hospitality Room (behind Showplace Arena)
7777 Walnut Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
RSVP to Brenda Montgomery at
Hosted by: American Patriot Holdings LLC, EDGE, Greater Memphis Chamber, Port of Memphis, Plaquemines Port, Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development