The impacts of the COVID-19 recession and the road to recovery can differ greatly across local economies. Brookings’ Metro Recovery Index presents data across a variety of indicators to provide a picture of the impact of the crisis and the trajectory of recent change, for both large and midsized U.S. metropolitan areas. The indicators track impacts and trajectories in three major categories: the labor market, the real estate market, and other areas of economic activity.
Brookings Metro will update the tracker on at least a monthly basis as providers release new data.
Readers can view the data in two ways: impact from pre-crisis baseline, and trajectory over the most recent month. Additionally, readers can select a metro area size class to view data for very large (at least 1M residents), large (500k to 1M residents), and medium-sized metro areas. (250k to 500k residents).
You can select Memphis from the list of metro areas with at least 1M residents and view the impact here. Currently, Memphis has the 13th lowest percentage of job loss among metro areas with at least 1M residents, right behind Kansas City, Missouri. The city has also seen a drop in unemployment claims and a jump in airport passengers in the last month.